Clean-up Time

Inspired Toddler Team

Clean-up Time

Any activity that teaches toddlers to clean up messes is great for multiple reasons. It allows them to learn independence and problem solving. Clean-up time teaches them to care for their environment and the things within it. It gives parents yet another reason to praise their children for their efforts.

This activity can be done using a few large mixing bowls over a towel on the floor or (if you are worried about a mess) the sink. We have done it both ways and I prefer the sink because of the running water option.

Either way you choose, have these items handy:

Tear-free bath soap

Two large mixing bowls

Thin wash cloth (a baby washcloth works best)

Unused sponge

Bottle brush

Dry dish towel

Some “dirty” toys or plastic figurines. The toys (or whatever washable items you decide upon) do not even have to be noticeably dirty unless you want to make the activity more challenging, which is appropriate for older toddlers! We have been using plastic dinosaur and horse figurines because they are the flavor of the month.


Fill one of the large mixing bowls with soapy warm water and the other bowl with clean, cool water.

Show your toddler how to clean the toys utilizing the washcloth, sponge and bottle brush. Explain what you are doing each step of the way. Once you have managed to get the toys sudsy, dip them into the clean water and then dry them off with the dish towel.

If your toddler splashes outside of the intended area, show them how to clean up the splash using the dish towel. Once the clean water gets too soapy, either dump it out and refill it or run a light trickle of sink water for rinsing.

Once you show your toddler how to use everything once, there really is not a need to keep demonstrating. Your toddler will choose their experience. They will let you know how involved they want you to be in the process. Sometimes I get a request to hold a toy as my daughter cleans it and sometimes she absolutely does NOT want me touching her horses. At times she only uses the bottle brush and sometimes she just wants the sponge. Sometimes she is more interested in cleaning the sink than her toys. That is fine with me. I am just happy she is focusing on her task and fine-tuning those motor skills.

A great alternative (and less messy) idea for clean-up time: Set up an area with a determined zone for this activity. I recommend setting up a small blanket on the floor or using a toddler table. Grab some of your toddler’s favorite toys and place them on your chosen area. Give them a baby wipe or a wet baby washcloth to use to clean their toys. Also offer a dry washcloth. Demonstrate how to clean and dry the toys. Using baby wipes to clean toys is one of the Parenting Hacks for Traveling with Toddlers we use to keep my daughter entertained!