Parenting Hacks for Traveling with Toddlers

Inspired Toddler Team

Parenting Hacks for Traveling with Toddlers

Traveling with toddlers can be a nightmare if you have high expectations with little preparation. Little ones in the throes of the terrible two’s or the threenager stage are not going to go easy on you if you just wing it and hope for the best. Traveling by car or plane with toddlers requires that you have some travel tricks up your sleeve, and some in your pocket as well. If you employ some or all of these (if you have the space) parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers, you will most definitely pat yourself on the back AND thank yourself later.

Travel does not have to be sacrificed once you become a parent. If travel is something that you enjoyed before your children, it should remain a part of your life. You do not have to wait until your child hits the five-year mark to leave the state. Your appetite for adventure and desire to be physically close to your loved ones that live far away only intensifies once you have little ones. You brought your little ones into this world to share in your adventures, so get going! With the right travel hacks, you can have a smooth, mostly stress-free journey to wherever your heart pulls you.  

Toddler on plane - parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers

This post explains various hacks for traveling with toddlers via automobile or aircraft. It is divided into three sections: Things that are good to know or have, regardless of your mode of transportation, Travel hacks for traveling by car, and Travel hacks for traveling via plane. The more prepared you are, the less meltdowns you will endure along the way. Everything I mention in this article (except the bit about the car seat) are tricks that I have used to make traveling with my toddler an enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Many of these things I wish that someone had told me before my first flight with a toddler!

Whether traveling by car or plane, always bring as many of these items as possible:

Snacks, food pouches, special snack cup, water cup – This is probably one of the most obvious parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers! I only bring about two extra snacks than I would normally offer throughout the day. If you load your go bag up with 20 different snacks, you will not have room for the other important stuff! You can always buy more snacks at the gas station or airport. Food pouches are your best friend when traveling. I also like to bring some snack crackers, gummies, and trail mix. In case of emergency, bring a small tube of mini m&m’s.

 Snack cups are great because they guarantee less mess as your little one eats. They will also keep unfinished snacks fresh. Bring your toddler’s water cup from home. Having a no-spill cup is clutch when traveling. You should not need to buy a new one once you get to your destination. Refill your child’s water cup with fresh ice and water at gas stations when on the road. For air travel, bring an empty cup through security and fill it up at one of the restaurants inside the airport with ice and water. On one of our recent flights, I saw a mother offering her child a sip from her water bottle and the child squeezed the bottle so hard that it went all over both of them. Needless to say, there was a lot of crying on that flight.

Toddler Backpack – If your little one will keep it on, a backpack is great for carrying snacks and a few activities! I like the option of the chest buckle, to ensure that it stays on when you need it to! I do not have the need for the leash option that a lot of toddler backpacks offer, but you may if your little on is a runner!

Medication and Band-Aids, travel potty, alcohol wipes, Pull-Ups – Make sure you bring your “just in case” medication and Band-Aids. Medication because, well, it is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Bring Band-Aids for the unlikely event that you will need them as well as the likely event that your toddler could get some enjoyment out of playing with them. If your toddler is potty training, bring the travel potty! The more opportunities they have to practice, the more comfortable they become using the potty.

Before you put the travel potty anywhere, wipe the big seat with alcohol wipes and make sure there is not anything disgusting on it. Also, wipe the travel potty off after it has been used. We all know how gross public toilets are. Even if your little one is completely potty-trained, put them in pull-ups. Accidents are more likely to happen when your little one has to sit in their car seat for long periods of time or wait for the airplane bathroom to become available.

Stickers -If you do not already have an emergency sheet of stickers in your diaper/go bag, get one. They have saved the day for us on many occasions. Airlines should start handing out sheets of stickers to parents of toddlers as soon as they get on the plane. Why hasn’t this happened yet!?  Bring a variety of stickers (Regular, Puffy AND Reusable). The reusable stickers peel off of the car or plane windows easily!!) Oh yeah, a window seat is definitely necessary if flying. Reusable sticker books are wonderful for the car and plane. Traditional sticker books are fabulous as well!

Toddler on plane - parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers

New toys – Well-loved toys that your toddler has not played with recently would also work. The only requirement here is that they be small toys. I usually choose Little People toys, small horses, or dinosaurs.

Preschool Busy Book – This book really does keep a toddler busy!  There are a lot of versions of these on Amazon and Etsy, so you can easily find one that is developmentally appropriate for your little one.  In the car or on the plane, this is a must! My little one got one of these for Christmas and it sees a lot of action. It comes with us on short car rides as well as long rides. It is a fantastic toddler toy, even if you are not traveling.

Travel-sized tissues – Always carry a small pack of travel-sized tissues. Who really wants to blow their nose with a baby wipe? Also, they are good for small messes.

Pom Poms – I always keep a small Ziploc snack bag full of pom poms on me at all times. They do not take up much space and they are always a crowd pleaser. You may want to avoid playing with these on the plane because they can easily roll away, but they are great for beforehand and after!

Pom poms - parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers

Travel pack of Q-tips  – I always carry a travel pack of Q-tips on me because they really saved me the first time I ever flew with my toddler. The flight attendant asserted that my daughter needed to be in a safety belt on the seat beside me during take-off, and to say that she was distressed would be an understatement. None of the usual tricks were working so I pulled out this tiny container of Q-tips that I had in my purse and handed it to her. She went completely silent and was laser focused on the Q-tips for at least half an hour. It was here that I first realized the value of creating an activity that utilized cotton swabs. My daughter spent a large amount of time opening and closing the container, putting them into her snack cup and taking them out and “cleaning” the tray table.

Plastic water bottle – If traveling by plane, bring an empty bottle or buy a water once you get past security. If you decide to bring this and pom poms, your toddler can enjoy some Pom Pom Play. The same activity can be done with Q-tips! This is a good activity for the car seat or waiting to board the plane!

Some photos – These easily fit into your bag and your little one will love holding them. I bring about 10 photos. Some have the people that we are going to visit in them, and others are just pictures of my daughter’s favorite people (and animals).

New book – Always bring a good book with you! Interactive, sturdy books are preferable. If you do not want to spend money on a new book, bring one that has not been enjoyed in a while or check out a Little Free Library!

Extra baby wipes – Do not make the mistake of thinking that half a pack of baby wipes will be enough. You may encounter some big messes, so always have a full pack on you once you leave the house. Also, toddlers love to take out wipes and clean the things around them. They can occupy themselves by wiping off their toys, car seat, tray table, snack container, their body, or whatever they can reach.

Crayola Wonder Mess Free Coloring Activity Pads and Melissa and Doug Water Wow! Activity Pads are also great to have handy! The Crayola activity pads are great because the marker will not mark on anything but the special paper in the activity pad. The Melissa and Doug activity pads are awesome because your toddler can paint the pictures (with water) as many times as they wish because once the page dries, the color disappears. If you decided to get these, make sure you fill up the brush with water before you get into the car or on the plane (in the bathroom). I imagine that it would be pretty challenging to fill it up with a water bottle!

Parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers- using water wow in car seat

Favorite blankie and or lovey – Comfort items are always necessary when traveling. Make sure you ask your toddler which toy they would like to bring or give them a few options. Keep a good eye on the lovey if you allow your child to carry it throughout the airport. Losing the Cookie Monster somewhere in the airport does not set a good tone for the rest of your trip. A small blanket is always nice to have just in case the car or plane is chilly or if your toddler needs some cushion. A blanket also comes in handy when you need to change your child’s diaper in a location that requires a barrier between your child and the surface! Not everywhere you go will have a diaper changing station.

Lovey and blanket - parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers

Sensory item/Fidget toy – I love love love this caterpillar toy. It comes with us everywhere, just in case. Somehow it always makes my daughter smile. If your little one has a favorite sensory toy, bring it. Fidget toys are also good for all types of travel.

Fidget popper - parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers

Magnetic drawing board – If your little one likes to draw, bring a Magnadoodle. I like the travel-sized board because I usually have limited space. The pen is attached to the board so it will not roll away. However, the stamps are not attached so you might want to take them out and keep them separate from the board, so you do not lose those pieces.

Wrap a few, small presents for them to unwrap – This can be done with new, dollar store toys or toys they have not seen in a while. You do not even need actual wrapping paper – newspaper or construction paper will work. Either way, your toddler will enjoy unwrapping their little presents! I would not recommend wrapping more than three, so you have space for other goodies.

Tablet – If you are lucky enough to have a toddler that is occupied by screen time for over five minutes, congratulations! Travel is probably the only time it is acceptable to let your child stare at a screen for hours. Stick to what you are comfortable with and what works for your family. For car travel, my daughter will watch her tablet a little longer, but refuses to watch it on the plane. Hence, the creation of the list of parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers! Download a lot of books, shows they like, music and games to entertain your little one ahead of time. A lot of children’s tablets are slow so waiting until you are about to walk out the door or relying on airport Wi-Fi is a mistake.

Screen time with a tablet - parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers

If you can, bring some headphones for the tablet as well (If flying, your neighbor in the next seat over will be grateful that they do not have to hear Daniel Tiger for two hours straight). Download some shows on your phone just in case the tablet’s battery dies and there is not a place to charge it. Oh yeah, do not forget your chargers! You might want to download a few shows or a movie for yourself as well, in case your little one falls asleep. If you are in the market for a tablet, make sure that you get one with a kid-proof case! You will not regret that decision.

Disposable shopping bag for trash – Some sort of trash collection device is absolutely necessary for the car and the plane. All of the snack bags, empty pouches, wadded-up stickers, and baby wipes demand a final resting place. The cleaner you are able to keep your space as you go, the less stress you will have when it is time to get moving. On car trips, I empty the trash bag at each gas stop, if necessary. On the plane, I wait until the end of the flight and hand my bag of trash to the flight attendant when they are making final rounds. I bring one trash bag per flight. One layover equals two trash bags.

Grocery bag - parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers

Gallon Ziploc bag with a change of clothes – This travel hack falls under the category of “Expect the Unexpected” because, well, you are traveling with a toddler. Try to pack thin clothes that do not take up much space. Keeping a change of clothes in its own bag ensures you have everything you need immediately, and you have somewhere to isolate the soiled clothing.

Home-made busy bags – A busy bag is a combination of different items that will entertain and engage your toddler. There are a lot of different ways you can put together a busy bag that your little one will love. Use your imagination and you are sure to create something wonderful! An example of a busy bag I have made in the past: Quart-sized Ziploc bag filled with colorful feathers, giant buttons of various shapes, pipe cleaners, fun Band-Aids, tissue paper, clips and a small stack of sticky notes. Notice that all of that stuff is easily compressed and is not likely to take up much space. If you are lacking in motivation, time, or creativity, you can purchase a pre-made busy bag on Etsy!

Toddler magazines – The Highlights subscription is so helpful for entertaining toddlers during travel. The magazine is made of washable material that is tear-resistant. It is compact so it easily fits into your bag. The binding of the magazine is stitched, not stapled, so it is extremely safe and durable. Lastly, it is full of age-appropriate entertainment! If going on a longer trip, it is beneficial to save up the magazines for a few months and offer them for the first time on the trip.

Let your toddler expel some energy before you get in the car or on the plane! Chase your little one around the house or outside for 20 minutes before you leave for a car trip. Encourage them to jump on their trampoline, or wherever they can jump! Airports offer ample space to walk and move around. While waiting to board, take a walk with your toddler through the airport.

Your toddler will love the moving walkways and going up and down the stairs. Toddlers are more likely to sit in their seat on the airplane right away if they have been exploring the airport for the past half hour. Arriving to your gate an hour before boarding and sitting there the entire time is a big mistake. Letting your little one get a little wild before they have to remain seated for hours is one of the absolutely essential parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers.

Parenting Hacks for Traveling with Toddlers by Car

Parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers - Ways to entertain kids in car seats

Crayons and coloring book – Avoid bringing crayons on the plane because once a crayon falls on the floor, you may never see it again and the meltdown will commence in 3…2..1! Also, all of those germs on the floor of the plane would be transferred to your toddler’s hand. Crayons always come along for car trips because coloring is one of my toddler’s favorite activities (and I can find a dropped crayon in a car in two seconds).

More books – When traveling by plane, I only bring one new book because my diaper bag is full enough. By car, I bring about 10. Books on a tablet will do in a pinch, but I have an easier time reading an actual book (#oldmom) and my daughter is more engaged when she can flip the pages.

Packed cooler – It is way easier to bring healthy food when traveling by car, so we always pack a cooler to take with us. You also save some money when you pack some food for yourself!

Bring a toy catalog – If you do not already get these delivered to your house, go online and order one! Your little one will love flipping through the pages and coloring them as well! If you have extra space (or an extra set of hands) a toy catalog could be a great addition for air travel as well.

Extra blankets/pillows – If space allows, bring enough extra blankets and pillows to keep everyone comfortable, including yourself. If you have ever leaned over a car seat to nurse at 70 MPH, you know that some extra cushion is appreciated! Bringing an extra blanket or three is one of the parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers that I wish someone would have told me before my first long road trip!

Bring extra blankets - parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers

At every pit stop, take a focused 20 minutes to spend with your toddler walking around the rest stop or gas station – Yes, this makes the trip longer. That is okay! You will benefit from stretching your legs as well.

Parenting Hacks for Traveling with Toddlers by Plane

Ask the airline staff if space allows for your family to have a row to themselves if you do not already have that luxury – The worst they can say is “no” but in my experience, the flight staff wants to help and is extremely understanding of special requests when flying with children.

Bring your toddler’s car seat on the plane – I do not do this for several reasons. First, I have enough to tote through the airport. Second, my daughter LOATHES being restrained. She ditched the stroller at 14 months and car travel is not her favorite. That being said, I had to include this in my list because so many parents that I have talked to told me that they think bringing the car seat on the plane is a necessity. A flight attendant once told me that it is extremely unsafe to not have a baby or toddler in their car seat on a plane because of the possibility of turbulence. As always, do what you think is best.

Not bringing your car seat on the plane, but checking it? – Get a car seat cover so your car seat does not get filthy. It will not stop luggage handlers from tossing it ten feet to a cart, but it will keep the black sludge on the cart off of your car seat! If you have an expensive car seat and you are worried that it might get damaged, you may want to buy a cheap one to travel with or rent one at your destination. Renting items that will hinder your overall experience is most definitely one of the most useful parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers.

Leave the stroller at home – It sounds convenient to wheel your child through the airport but, trust me, it is not. I have had so many other parents confirm that bringing a stroller is more hassle than it is worth. For a baby, it makes sense. For a toddler, not so much (unless you are blessed with a toddler that actually enjoys the stroller). If you decide you need a stroller at your destination, rent one. A toddler-sized carrier or backpack is a much better option. On long flights it is so nice to have a carrier to walk your little one up and down the aisle. It is much easier to store a carrier than a stroller AND if you ditch the stroller, you do not have to wait extra time for the flight staff to return your stroller when you are deplaning.

Ditch the stroller - parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers

Against popular opinion, wait until the last minute to board – Waiting any longer on a plane than you absolutely have to with toddlers just does not make sense. However, when deplaning, it is sometimes less stressful to gather all of your belongings and get your toddler mobile once the crowd passes.

Ask the flight crew for some extra plastic drink cups – Your little one can practice stacking the cups or decorating them with stickers. They will also like playing with the air sickness bags and air magazines.

Parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers - decorate the air sickness bag with stickers!

Check all baggage except diaper bag (or whatever bag holds the necessities), if possible – If you are the only adult on this trip, do not overwork or overwhelm yourself. This is one of those parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers that is necessary to make your life easier! Bring a bag that you can throw on your back and go. Keep your hands free for your toddler because you are going to need them. If you need to put your child in the carrier and your go bag on your back, you will be grateful that you do not have extra luggage to cart around. If your partner or another adult is traveling with you, you might be able to bring a carry-on without any issues.

Awesome travel toys – Bring at least one toy that requires focus and is likely to hold your child’s attention for more than five minutes. The last time we flew, I brought magnetic blocks and they were a hit! These are less likely to end up on the floor than traditional blocks and fit nicely on a tray table.

Masking tape/painter’s tape – This is a lesser known parenting hack for traveling with toddlers. Children love to tape items on surfaces and retrieve items that have been taped down. It may sound weird but bringing a roll of tape can provide a lot of enjoyment. You could play The Horse Wrangler or make bracelets.

Masking tape - parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers

Sticky Notes – They do not take up much space and they are easy for toddlers to stick on and peel off of surfaces. My daughter loves playing with these on the plane window, arm rest, and tray table. They are also likely to end up on your face!

sticky notes - parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers

Portable pill box – Fill a pill box with tiny treasures or snacks that your little one will enjoy. Some examples of things we put in our pill box are mini m&m’s, cereal, buttons, rubber bands, pom poms, plastic gems, and googly eyes.

Designated spot for all important documents – This is not just a parenting hack for traveling with toddlers, it is something that you should do every time you go anywhere! Reserve a special pocket in your bag to contain all important documents and identification. Always take a screenshot of the boarding passes on your phone. Sometimes the apps fail to load when relying on Airport Wi-Fi or do not save correctly to your wallet! Take photos of all passports with your phone if flying internationally to make immigration forms easier to complete.

Something for your little one to drink during take-off – Do this to prevent ear popping! If you are nursing, see if your little one wants to nurse as the plane is taking off. In my experience, offering water in a cup with a straw is effective in preventing ear discomfort. A friend of mine gives her children lollipops during take-off and she says they work like a charm.

If you cannot recall any of these parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers, please remember this: you are only responsible for your own family. If Becky in the aisle ahead of you forgot her headphones, that is her issue. Do not feel the need to apologize profusely for your toddler who is adjusting to this new or uncommon experience. Absolutely, do your best to prevent your little one from bothering those around them but understand that sometimes it will be impossible. Most people are able to empathize with your situation and realize that they were young children once as well.

Traveling with toddlers on airplanes - parenting hack for traveling with toddlers

I have never had to use all of my parenting hacks for traveling with toddlers on one trip, but I am sure that day is coming, and I will have to come up with new travel hacks! I have learned that each stage of childhood requires a new bag of tricks. Until then, I will prepare to the best of my abilities and hope for the best! Good luck in your future travels and adventures with your little ones!