Magnetic Focus

Inspired Toddler Team

Magnetic Focus

Do you have a stainless-steel spoon? Do you have some magnets? If so, you can easily have an entertained toddler with magnetic focus. Start that STEM learning early! I have since upgraded to a magnetic wand instead of a spoon because I love how much more it can pick up. When you look online for magnetic wands, do not be deterred by the age recommendations. A toddler can easily operate one of these.

The items needed for this activity:

Variety of magnets

Large towel

Large bowl (or whatever container you prefer) filled halfway with water

Stainless-steel spoon (or magnetic wand) * If you have a magnetic wand, pipe cleaners are a good addition to this activity! *

I have a gigantic magnet collection because that is my souvenir of choice. My refrigerator is littered with evidence of my love of travel. My obsession with magnets must be genetic because my daughter played with my magnet collection, at length, long before she ever got any of her own. She would transfer the magnets from the refrigerator to the dishwasher, which is an activity by itself. If you stopped reading here, you would leave with a great idea to focus your little one.

The magnets have to be pretty strong to attach to a spoon, so the thin, rectangular magnets are not going to work for this activity. We always do this activity on the kitchen floor, so we have easy access to the refrigerator.


Set up your space:  Place the towel on the floor. Put the bowl with water and spoon (or wand) beside it.

Ask your toddler to select some magnets from the refrigerator. If you have prechosen magnets that you would like to use that are not on the refrigerator, such as letters or numbers, that is fine too (and great for incorporating learning into this activity)! If so, have them choose the magnets out of the container.

Alphabet magnets for magnetic focus toddler activity

Drop some magnets into the water and encourage your toddler to follow suit.

Pick up the spoon and swirl it in the water. Show your toddler when a magnet attaches to the spoon. Detach the magnet and let your toddler take over.

Lay some magnets on the towel, magnet-side-up and demonstrate how to pick them up with the spoon.

If you are using a magnetic wand, add some cut up pipe cleaners (2-inch pieces) into the bowl of water. Your toddler will love to take off the pieces and pick them up again with the wand!

Make sure you clean up this activity right away. I have had many of my magnets for decades and I do not want them to rust in the water! Lay the magnets on the towel when you dump the bowl of water and put them away when dry.