Cookie Sheet Magnets

Inspired Toddler Team

Cookie Sheet Magnets

Playing with magnets on a cookie sheet is a super simple way to entertain your toddler and requires zero preparation. This activity is easily tailored to toddlers of all ages. Having a good mix of magnets really makes this activity fun and keeps it interesting. Souvenir magnets are my absolute favorite type of magnet to use for all activities utilizing magnets. However, I make sure that I always utilize a mix of all kinds of magnets, so my toddler remains engaged. I use everything: advertisement magnets, snack clip magnets, office magnets and educational magnets.

Items needed for this activity:

Variety of Magnets

Cookie Sheet (or baking sheet)

Cookie sheet for toddler activity


Select your magnets and bring them to your workspace, along with your cookie sheet. Your toddler can be as involved in the magnet selection process as you see fit.

Model how the magnetic attraction works with each type of magnet. Lift each magnet off of the sheet and place it in a different spot on the sheet.

Flip the sheet over and use the opposite side of the sheet as a base.

Practice transporting the magnets from the cookie sheet to the refrigerator, dishwasher or another magnetic surface in your home.

If you have number and letter magnets, you could sandwich in some teachable moments as your little one plays with them. This also works for animal and shape magnets. There are some super adorable and affordable animal magnet sets at Target that we used for some enjoyable animal learning. If your toddler is not receptive to your teachable moment, do not push it. They are busy discovering how things in their world work and such discovery is unnecessary to attempt to quantify.

If your toddler is having trouble lifting or placing a magnet, let them fail a few times before you jump in to help. This is part of the learning process. You should be able to gauge whether or not your little one wants you to play with the magnets alongside them or just watch them play. If they lose interest, that is your cue to step in and switch things up.

If you want to make this activity more challenging, draw some circles on the cookie sheet with a dry erase marker and direct your little one to place specific magnets in specific circles. Draw some letters or numbers on the cookie sheet and see if your toddler is able to match them with the respective magnets. See if you toddler is able to sort the magnets by color or theme. There are many ways you can get creative with this activity!

Cookie Sheet Magnet Toddler Activity