Toddler Gym Class Routines

Inspired Toddler Team

Toddler Gym Class Routines

I put together some sample toddler gym class routines below to give you some ideas of exercises that we have tried and have had definite toddler approval. I hope that these routines aid you in guiding your little one on their fitness journey. Remember, always do everything alongside your little one. Inspired movement is as necessary for toddlers as it is for us! It is important that your toddler sees you having fun and remaining engaged in the activity. You get bonus points for finding songs that you both like and that inspire great dance moves.

Routine A


Large claps

Cobra and downward dog yoga poses


Frog jumps


Throwing small balls

Spinning in circles

Running in place

The Wheels on the Bus – sing and dance


Routine B


Walk backwards

Bear crawls

Side kicks

Log rolls

Hit balloon back and forth

Follow the leader with a jump rope

Chase and pop bubbles

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt – sing and dance

Shimmy and shake


Routine C


Elephant foot stomps

Balance on each foot

Touch your toes and count

Bunny hops

Jump into and out of a hula hoop (or whatever you can form into a large shape)

Chase each other in circles around the ball

Long side steps

Head, Shoulder’s, Knees and Toes – sing and dance

Front kicks


Routine D


Tandem stretches

Child’s pose

Leg kicks while lying on your backs

Air punches

Sprint races

Kick a big ball back and forth

Jumping jacks

If You’re Happy and You Know It – sing and dance

Practice balancing on a ball (while sitting)


Toddler gym class