Play With Your Food

Inspired Toddler Team

Play With Your Food

Sensory activities are easily integrated into your everyday life. I recommend that the play with your food activity be incorporated into a time when your toddler typically snacks or eats lunch. Toddlers love being able to put things in their mouths so this activity is perfect for those with oral fixations. Food is so varied in appearance, texture and taste that, of course, it is a sensory experience. Your little one will enjoy being able to snack and learn simultaneously. You most likely already have everything you need for this activity in your house.

Items needed for this activity:

 3-5 different food items that have significantly different sensory qualities. For example, granola, yogurt, apple slices, cheerios and avocado are a good mix.

Napkins or small plates

Appropriate cutlery for food offered


Have your child sit in their highchair or booster seat, if possible. Your little one is capable of appreciating this activity on the go; however, it is much safer for them to be stationary while eating and they are more likely to focus and be receptive to the teachable moments of the activity.

Bring up to five different food items to your child and set them on separate napkins or small plates. This way, it is easier for your little one to focus as you point out the unique characteristics of each food item.

Explain to your toddler what each food item is and describe the color of each.

Next describe the texture of each food item and then describe the taste. If there is an obvious smell or sound, describe that as well.

Describe to your little one how their body experiences the food. This way, they match the vocabulary with the sensation. Your eyes see the food. Your hands feel the food. Your nose smells the food. Your mouth tastes the food. Your ears hear the food. Elaborate upon and tailor the descriptions to accurately depict the specific food.

The older your toddler gets, the more interactive this activity will become. As with any activity involving younger toddlers, it is perfectly fine to carry the conversation until they are able to join you. Ask questions AND answer yourself. They are absorbing it all.

Toddler playing with food
Play with Your Food