Mac ‘n Cups

Inspired Toddler Team

Mac ‘n Cups

Toddlers love to pour! The more they do it, the better they will get so let’s give them what they want. The Mac ‘n Cups activity helps develop fine motor skills, independence, critical thinking skills and increases concentration.

Supplies needed for this activity:

Measuring cups with handles

Big cooking spoon

Plastic cups

Bag of large, uncooked macaroni

Mixing bowls or Tupperware


Set up your designated area with the cups, spoon, macaroni and bowls. Pour the macaroni into the mixing bowl.

Demonstrate how to transfer the macaroni from one cup to another with both the cups and spoon. Talk about the concepts of empty and full. Discuss scooping and pouring.

Then, sit back and watch your toddler enjoy themselves.

When my daughter first played with Mac ‘n Cups she was entertained for at least an hour. I was amazed because that was the longest that she had ever focused on anything up to that point (she was around 18 months old at the time). Some other items that toddlers love to pour and would work well with this activity are water, rice, dry beans, beads, pom poms, sand, cheerios – really anything that pours well!

As always, this activity should be highly supervised!