Sensory Bin Fillers

Inspired Toddler Team

Sensory Bin Fillers

I have compiled this massive list of sensory bin fillers for your sensory bin experimenting enjoyment! I recommend starting out with dry rice, as it is an absolute FAVORITE in this house! The cheap, plain kind that you find in the grocery store is perfect. Do not let Pinterest and Instagram fool you into thinking that your rice needs to look like a rainbow exploded to be sensory gold. Also, sensory bins are so easy to put together yourself with stuff you most likely already have in house so do not feel like you have to overspend on a pricey online kit!

100 + unique and traditional Sensory Bin Fillers

Below are links to some of our favorite unique sensory bin fillers:

Instant snow

Water beads

Plastic insects

Googly eyes

Plastic coins

Jingle bells

Shoe laces