Words of Encouragement

Inspired Toddler Team

Words of Encouragement

Words of Encouragement

Encouraging our children is something that each of us easily can and should do every single day. Your words matter, especially words of encouragement to your little one. Toddlers need to know that you are their biggest cheerleader and that their efforts are recognized. Encouraging words are the building blocks of great relationships with your children.

When I was cleaning out my childhood home, I found one of my mother’s old folders from the ’80’s or ’90’s. There was a mix of great stuff in there, but I found one thing in particular that really spoke to me. I found a list in there of ways to encourage your child. A lot of them were simple, one-word encouragements. I took that list and expanded upon it. I added my favorite phrases to encourage my toddler and then some! I hope that you find this list of Words of Encouragement as useful as I have in my parenting journey.