Treasure Cup

Inspired Toddler Team

Treasure Cup

The treasure cup is a super simple activity that enables your toddler to interact with nature on his or her own terms.

The only item needed:

 A cup, bag or container of some sort 

I refer to our container as the “Treasure Cup,” even though, sometimes, the “cup” is the cupholder in the stroller or my pocket!


This activity is started by going on a walk outdoors. Remember your treasure cup! If you are lucky enough to live by some great parks or outdoor spaces, this activity will always be entertaining to your toddler. Even if you are only able to get to your backyard, your little one will have so much fun!

Dad and toddler treasure cup outdoor activity

Bring your container and ensure that it be something your child is able to hold (until they no longer wish to!).

Explain to your child that you will be collecting things (treasures) that you find.

pine cone for treasure cup activity

Model picking up something and putting it into your container a few times. It is helpful to ask, “Would you like that in your treasure cup?” or something of that nature.

Talk about the things you see, smell, hear and feel. My favorite question is, “What did you find?”

What interests them most at their various stages of development will never cease to amaze you. This activity is great for visual scanning and developing fine motor skills. ALWAYS be mindful of what treasures your little one is picking up, because animal feces most definitely does NOT belong in the treasure cup. 

Toddler treasure cup outdoor activity