Plated Art

Inspired Toddler Team

Plated Art

The plated art activity is so easily modified to use whatever you have around the house. The only essential item is the glue stick! The paper plate could be replaced with cardboard or construction paper. The items used to decorate could really be anything that sticks to the glue and whatever else your toddler can safely decorate with! You will see a few of our plated art projects below.

Items needed for this activity:

Non-toxic glue stick

Paper plate

Shapes made out of felt and Construction or tissue paper (I make my own shapes because it is super easy to do, and you can get a lot of shapes out of one sheet of felt. Same goes for tissue paper and construction paper!)

Colorful feathers (These are also fun to use and easily adhere to the glue!)

Colored feathers for plated art toddler activity


Demonstrate how to glide the glue stick over the paper plate then let your toddler take over the task. Allow them to do this for several minutes. It is pretty common for a toddler to want to put the glue stick in their mouth. Redirect, redirect, redirect and gently remind them that it is not food. A colored glue stick is a good way to keep your little one interested in spreading the glue on the plate!

Bring over the felt and paper shapes. I have a big basket of these, so I just grab a handful and set them beside my little one. They don’t need a lot, just enough to decorate their plates! Older toddlers are more likely to be particular about which shapes should be selected. If so, let them choose the shapes. This is usually a good time to swap out the glue stick!

Demonstrate how to decorate the plate by placing and lightly pressing a few shapes onto it. Name each shape and its color as you go along.

Then, let your little one create their work of art!

Make sure you continue to name each shape and its color as your child places them on the plate. Ask your toddler to name the colors and shapes as well.

Once you are finished, put the art project up somewhere to dry. They will enjoy coming back to admire all of their hard work after naptime!

Fingers will get sticky on this one so make sure to keep the baby wipes nearby!

Toddler plated art activity
Toddler plated art activity with feathers